Guided workouts

Please find recommended videos below for guided workouts using your Perky Booty equipment.

We hope you appreciate how colourful your resistance band is!!

Short Resistance Band Workout

Long Resistance Band - Upper Body Workout

We suggest using a light and medium resistance band to accomplish this workout effectively.

Long Resistance Band - Lower Body Workout

We suggest the medium resistance band works best for this workout!

Legs and Booty ankle weight workout

Perky Booty x Sculpt Pilates

Looking to enhance your fitness journey with Pilates classes? Look no further! We're excited to refer you to Sculpt Pilates, where you can find top-notch Pilates classes to help you tone, strengthen, and invigorate your body. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, they offer a range of classes to suit your needs. So why wait? Head over to Sculpt Pilates website today and take the first step towards a stronger, more flexible you!

Resistance band workouts

Use a mix of light, medium and heavy strength resistances to suit your needs.

Long Resistance Band

Medium strength resistance band is used in the video below!